Monday, May 21, 2007

Find the Power

I look around and see what I've been given

And I think about the ones before

who gave their lives and died for the cause.

I think about this blessed Restoration,

and the truth that's come from heaven

with the pow'r to change the lives of this world.

Here we are in a time of revelation,

with the answers we can give the world

to the questions of just why they are here.

Who are we to dismiss this charge to others?

It's a sacred obligation

and a priv'lege to be helping the Lord


Find the power that you have in your heart.

There's a stone rolling forward; it's the nation of God.

For the battle is raging, and the armor is strong.

The enemy is losing. Which side are you on?

Take a stand with the author of salvation

And choose your destination

by rememb'ring where it is you belong.

Move ahead with a strong determination.

Giving heed to the direction,

and obeying the commands of the Lord.

(chorus)-repeat 3 times

Find the power that you have in your heart.

There's a stone rolling forward; it's the nation of God.

For the battle is raging, and the armor is strong.

The enemy is losing. Which side are you on?
I really like the song and its lyrics..especially " Find the power that you have in your heart.."
Uplifted me when I do feel down and sad sometimes..

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