Friday, January 30, 2009

Of Mishmash and Hodgepodge

"Your best trait can quickly turn into your worst trait when we lose the balance. Assertion can very quickly turn into bossiness. A person that puts others before himself all the time is also in danger of becoming self-belittling. It takes time and experience to find the balance between the good and the bad, for the two to marry, mature, and become a power you can harness.
So if you or someone you love has is difficult to accept (as we all are sometimes), just remember that whatever it is that makes them difficult may also be where the gold lies. It's just that they haven't learned to use their gift. We are created, each uniquely flawed, for a reason. And if we didn't have flaws to overcome, our good traits would mean absolutely nothing at all. I think we have a lot to learn from the people we have trouble getting along with."

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