Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Family conflicts and complication

Last night i happen to browse my butter belly's half sis and bro accounts. I keep mumbling to myself that He's different compared to his dad(fingers crossed) and I know deep inside that whatever happens to his family he's surely learned the lesson well. He's so deep and very nice, he's not the typical man whom only pleasure is to get more from a woman then dumps her in return. He has its so called values and principle. In fact if there's one whose definitely go on cheating, its me and not him..(hehe)

I call her "elo" and she's a hottie (runs in the family, i guess) and a remarkable accomplished woman. One thing that I admired for his father is how beautiful and talented and educated his produce is. ( I mean kids) One is CPA, a registered nurse, US army, Economist(soon to be a lawyer), Intl Flight attendant, Future nurse(again) Architect (in the near future) and twins dreaming to be like her mom who is also an Intl Flight attendant.

Humm..I just hope my butter belly end not like his dad ( i mean the kids)

but still no matter what, I shall fight dearly for our love...and future family..

so girls, watch out..

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